Jesus Was Acting In Your Place At The Cross.
Instead of the murderer Barabbas, Jesus is condemned to death in Mark 15:6–15. Jesus was a falsely accused innocent man. Barabbas was a criminal who deserved to be locked up. Barabbas, on the other hand, was set free, while Jesus was sentenced to death. The substitutionary nature of Christ's work on the cross is clearly demonstrated by these hand held wooden prayer cross. Jesus, who was completely innocent, took our place as guilty sinners. "God demonstrates his love for us in that Christ died for us while we were yet sinners," the apostle Paul remarked (Rom. 5:8).
Jesus Was Taken Your Curse at The Cross
A crown of thorns was put on Jesus Christ at the cross by the Roman soldiers as a mockery. Thorns were one of the effects of the curse that had come into the world as a result of sin, according to the Bible's first chapters (Genesis 3:17–18). Furthermore, from midday until 3:00 pm, the area was blanketed in darkness as Jesus hung on the cross (Mark 15:33). Darkness at midday was a symbol of God's curse due to sin, much as thorns were (Deut. 28:29; Job 5:13–14; Isa. 59:9–10). At the crucifixion, Jesus took upon himself the thorns and darkness of our sin:
Jesus Was Clothing You at The Cross
"They... divided his clothing among them, casting lots for them, to decide what everyone should take," Mark writes after Jesus was executed (Mark 15:24). Psalm 22:18 prophesied that something would happen, and it did. These thugs robbed Jesus of his garments. They didn't realize, ironically, that Jesus was going to clothe his people through the cross!
Jesus Opened Heaven for You at The Cross
"The temple curtain was split in half, from top to bottom" when Jesus died (Mark 15:38). The holy of holies, where God's presence was most concentrated, was guarded by this curtain. Mankind did not have the same access to God that the Levitical priests did because of sin.
So, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places through the blood of Jesus, through the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and because we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with cross and Jesus Machesney Park in full assurance of faith.
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